
Novartis Campus Lecture - The Intersection of Nature, Science, and AI and ArtSynopsis - If machines can process memories, can they also dream or hallucinate about them?

18.10.2024 18:00 – 20:30

Since 2016, Refik Anadol Studio has been exploring this idea through AI Data Sculptures—dynamic, multi-sensory artworks that transform vast datasets into immersive visual experiences. In this talk, Refik Anadol will share the Studio's journey of creating artworks that blur the boundaries between the digital and physical realms. These projects draw on interdisciplinary collaborations with scientists, architects, and communities to visualize complex datasets in ways that invite deeper reflection. The Studio’s works offer new forms of narrating collective memory in both public and virtual spaces, combining the beauty of natural phenomena with cutting-edge technology.

Novartis Campus Lecture, Fabrikstrasse 15, Gehry Auditorium

Buchung / Reservation





Zahlungsart: Anmeldung